Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The End of an Era...or a Semester

Today I filed my grades for this semester. I am proud of my students and they have - for the most part - worked hard to make it. On the other hand, I am fairly certain I blew my grade for my Archaeology lab after taking my final exam with a pounding headache. It is very difficult to identify bones when your head is throbbing and the lights are blinding you. I suppose I can handle a B in grad school though. It certainly isn't the end of the world.
After a nice 2 months - and we did enjoy them! - Andy is back on call. He does pediatrics this month, then a month of teaching service and then a month of OB. By August I think he is in another non-call month and we are all waiting for that already. He took his Step 3 exams to get his full license yesterday and today, and now we are waiting for results. I think he's a bit nervous but we all know he did just fine. Once his results come back he will apply for his license and then will be able to start moonlighting. While it means he will be gone more, it also means a nice paycheck after every weekend!
Megan's dance recital is this weekend. I am a bit fed up with the hidden costs of dance, but I know that she is having a blast so it is hard to stay upset for any length of time. Auntie Mona and Uncle Danny are coming up from Sioux Falls with their family to watch the show, and Megan is really looking forward to it. Even more exciting is her "Spa Day" before the show, when she gets to have her hair done at the salon and they are going to put GLITTER ON HER CHEEKS AND EYES!!! The emphasis is hers, not mine. She is a very excited little girl.
Nico's counting down the days until school lets out and he is officially a third grader. I think he feels that second grade has been good, but he's seen all of its tricks and it is time to move on to bigger and better things. We also need to decide if he is going to be swimming competitively this summer. His swim coach seems to think he will do very well in his age group. I must admit that he is a better swimmer than hockey player, and I'd much rather spend the afternoon at the pool than freezing at an ice rink. We'll have to see how this plays out.
My friend, Chester, leaves for Cyprus on an archaeological dig on Tuesday. I have gotten used to having him around all the time and I think I am actually going to miss him while he is gone. I am equally concerned that he is going to be upset with me when he comes back, as I suggested that he go even though I know that it isn't really his kind of thing. We shall see how this turns out!

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