Tuesday, July 6, 2010

June Blew By!

June brought a number of wonderful events to our household! First - and very important - Andy's brother Joey married Amanda in Key West! Not only are we thrilled with the new addition to the family, but Andy and I were thrilled to have a week to spend together in a place we'd never been. My mom stayed with the kids and Andy and I got to spend the week relaxing and enjoying each other. The food was amazing, the night life was wonderful, and the heat was unbelievable. When we arrived back in Grand Forks I wasn't sure if I should be grateful that it was a cool 65 degrees or depressed that it was 65 degrees. Regardless, it was a wonderful trip. What made it even more wonderful was the news we got as our plane was landing in Miami - Andy passed his Step 3 exams, and has now filed to get his permanent license. He should have that in the next few weeks.
June was also busy for Andy with teaching service call. As always, its a rough rotation. As of July 1 he is officially a second year resident and is now on OB call. While he likes delivering babies, he isn't liking this particular schedule. He has 3 days off this month - that is it! - and is also scheduled for jury duty starting tomorrow. With call shifts every other day and full clinic shifts the others, I'm not sure how that is going to work out.
Megan started summer camp in June, and goes 2 hours every week day. She's enjoying it and likes to make new friends. Nico loved his summer gym class, and has started baseball as well. The kids and I took a trip to Sioux Falls a week ago and had a great time down there. I learned to knit slippers, and I do believe our house is going to be well outfitted with slippers by the time winter rolls around.
In other news, June didn't bring all good tidings. My friend Rob lost his 5 year old daughter in June, because someone didn't unload and lock a handgun in the home. As much as my heart breaks for Rob and his family, the anger I have towards the irresponsibilty shown by the gun owner seems to grow daily. Please people - if you own a gun please lock it up properly every tiime.

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