Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things I Don't Want My Children to Learn

In light of recent events, I've put together a list of things I don't want my children to learn. Mostly, this is a therapeutic venting exercise, but perhaps by putting them in writing I will remember to guard against the installation of these types of values in my kids.

1. It is necessary to subjugate yourself to the masses - even if you know in your heart that the masses are not motivated by the greater good, but rather a selfish urge to improve their own position.

2. In dealing with others, it is necessary to bury all conflict. After all, it is better for the boat to go down in a fiery inferno one day than rock it a bit once in a while.

3. Social position and other people's opinions are more important than what you feel about yourself.

4. It is more important to advance your own position than it is to reach out to help someone else.

5. It isn't acceptable to reach beyond the low expectations that have been imposed upon you by others. Aim to be only average. Believe that you aren't good enough to do it.

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