Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coming to terms with Andy's residency

A little over four years ago Andy began medical school at UND. While Andy, Nico (our 3 year old son) and I were all thrilled, we knew it would be a long, long ride. That first year was rough! At the end of Andy's first block, when the first exams were given, we found out I was pregnant. At the end of his second block, his grandmother died. At the end of the third block I began bleeding with the pregnancy, and finally, at the end of the fourth block we had little Megan join our family.
Four years later, on May 9, 2009, Andy graduated from medical school and began to sign "MD" after his name as the residency game began. Having decided to pass up the extra money by specializing, Andy settled on family medicine, aka primary care, and we were able to stay at Altru in Grand Forks for residency.
Residency officially began on July 1, 2009. While technically limited to 160 hours for every 2-week period, we are finding out that this is just a suggestion and the reality is rather bleak. While I know in my head and my heart that there is an end to this one day, the prospect of acting as a single parent for 2 children for the next four years is rather daunting. Added to that, I am in my third year of graduate school, trying to finish my thesis for my MA in history. As a former teacher I know two things for sure: First, writing every day makes you a better writer. I plan to use this blog for "practice" for my real writing - that monster of a thesis hanging over my head. Second, expressing your thoughts, emotions, and feelings in a written form can clarify them and enable you to make more productive choices. And heaven knows with our schedules I am going to need to be as productive as possible!
I hope you join me regularly as I try to come to terms with this new life, and please feel free to offer advice! I have a feeling I am going to need it!

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