Thursday, September 10, 2009


Yesterday, 9-9-09, Andy delivered twins for a good friend of ours. After working a 30 hour call shift, he got a call saying it was "time" and he met Kelly and her husband at the hospital and helped deliver her brand new twins. Lindsay and Logan joined the world yesterday at 4 and 5 pounds! Needless to say, we are all thrilled and Andy was quite willing to give up his sleep to be there!
My day was not nearly so glamorous! After spending a morning trying to convince college freshmen that they actually need to do the assigned readings for all their classes, I spent my lunch break at a graduate student meeting in the history department. While it is always interesting to hear about Dr. Han's research on ghosts, unicorns, and mermaids (his latest paper is entitled, "May We Eat the Mermaid?" the meeting seemed to drag. Part of this stemmed from my frustrating morning, and part from the atmosphere of the gathering. This summer the history department was forcibly moved from its comfortable home at Merrifield Hall to a rather uncomfortable, unwelcoming new home at O'Kelly. While the faculty and students will eventually get used to the change, no one seemed at home in the new space and the seminar room seemed oddly off-kilter, as it lacked the brown and orange curtains, dark paneling, and cheaply framed historians of years past on its walls. Instead, the mounted in-focus machine, the automatic screen, and the freshly painted walls seemed ominous. At meeting's end, I raced to my afternoon study skills class to take up the challenge of encouraging college freshmen to study once again.
At 3pm Andy and I picked up Nico from school, then headed to the Ralph Engelstad Arena to pick up the kids' Sioux Kids Club packages, then it was off to outfit Nico for hockey this year. Not only has he outgrown every piece of equipment he owned, it seems that now his equipment has outgrown his hockey bag. Thinking quickly, Andy put in a call to his dad to see if there was one lying around there. Always the hockey god, Gino came through and does, indeed, have a new bag for his first-born grandchild! We picked up Meg from daycare and stopped at Scheels to buy her pink laces for her hockey skates. Considering she will be wearing all of her brother's hand-me-downs, it seemed the least we could do for the little girl! We went to dinner, as neither Andy or I could face the thought of cooking. It must have been a popular sentiment as 2 other docs showed up with their families while we were eating. After dinner Megan and I headed for the playground by our house while Andy and Nico hit 9 holes of golf. I had no idea we could cram so much into a single day!
In terms of residency, it was a good day!

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