Friday, September 18, 2009

Losing at Golf

They say children will eventually surpass their parents in height, education, and athletic skills. I thought I had more time - after all, Nico is only 7. But this morning, he beat me at golf. Badly. I knew it was going to be a bad round when I teed up the first time and the ball landed exactly 4 inches in front of the tee. Meanwhile, Nico was hitting drives that I normally see from Andy. But rather than cursing the Grand Forks School District for giving the teachers yet another staff development day and sticking me with Nico for the day, I smiled and said "Great Shot!" when inside I was thinking "Am I really so very bad at this game that a 7 year old is beating me?" And the answer, of course, is Yes, I really am that bad! And I am ok with that. But Nico is really that good as well. We aren't talking competition for Tiger yet, but he hit consistently today and came out of it with a score in the 50s. I don't know the exact number, as there were a few shots that hit the water, so we didn't count those. All things considered though, the kid is a good golfer.
It has been a busy week at our house. There was much excitement last night when we got the news that Andy's little brother, Joey, is now engaged to his long-time girlfriend, Amanda. She is a wonderful woman and we are all excited to welcome her to the family in an "official" capacity. She has been a part of our lives for a long time, and it is nice that Joey finally grew up enough to have a wife! A part of me will always think of Joey as that 14 year old kid that I met, but at 28 he has grown up nicely! I'm not quite sure how he won Amanda over, but she is my personal favorite of all of his girlfriends...and there have been plenty to choose from!
Megan starts ballet classes tonight, and she has been waiting all summer for them! She will be going to the same place her cousin, Kaylie, went when she lived in Grand Forks. Megan is very excited and wanted to wear her "outfit" to Janelle's today!
Andy and I are looking forward to his first full weekend off since the beginning of August. He will be home by 5pm (we hope!) and won't have to be back to work until 4am on Monday. Tomorrow we are headed to the Art and Wine Walk downtown with Bryon and Val, followed by dinner and a rousing game of cards! We are very exciting people, aren't we?
Before that, however, Andy is taking Nico golfing. They have an 8am tee-time. It is Andy's turn to be beat by the 7 year old.

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